Wild sightings!

21 10 2011

By Whitney

Hi everyone! Sorry we’ve been away so long, but we’ve just spent almost two weeks trodding through the rainforest in really remote parts of Borneo without internet (and without time to process photos! We were either sleeping, eating, showering, or hiking.) We’ve got lots of tales to tell, but in the photo-processing meantime, we wanted to leave you with photos of an orangutan in the wild that we spotted while at the Borneo Rainforest Lodge in the pristine Danum Valley of Sabah, Borneo (aka the best outrageous splurge ever). Hike after hike, we were rewarded every single time with big-name animal sightings. More pics and stories to come!

Orangutans love to hang out in trees with Strangler Vines around them so that they are never far from their food source. We lucked out and saw this orangutan on a tree that was almost out of fruit – it’s a bit late in the season!



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